Baby Driver

Written and Directed by Edgar Wright

Ansel Elgort, Kevin Spacey, Lily James. Jon Hamm, Eiza González, Jamie Foxx, CJ Jones, Flea, Jon Bernthal.

‘Baby’ (Elgort), is an amazing driver – works for the crime lord ‘Doc’ – who hires crews (different every time) to rob big targets – with Baby always the getaway driver. Baby, having robbed Doc some years ago – is paying off his debts, all the while living with his deaf godfather Joe (Jones)– and slowly falling in love with local diner waitress Debora (James). Once cleared up with Doc of his debts, he thinks he is in the clear – but Doc has one last job.

I quite enjoyed this film, and the action starts almost from the get go. Wright does great work, with the many car chase scenes – as well as some other trademarks – like his use of the long take (when Baby goes to get the coffee), and the 360 shot too.

The cast do well, and Elgort holds his own against some strong co stars. His ability to play the ‘romantic lead’ as well as the anti hero works well. The fact he learned sign language to play alongside deaf actor Jones is a testament to his commitment.

This was one of Spacey’s last roles before the ‘me too’ movement occurred, but he is cast well as Doc. He is quite intimidating as Doc, and it is somewhat of a shame his legacy is tarnished by real life actions. Foxx feels a little poorly written, and almost contributes nothing to overall plot and Bernthal is underused only appearing in the first act.

The main theme of the movie is music, and what it means to Baby – as it drowns out his tinnitus he has had since childhood. How it builds his connection with Debora, and others is a unique part of the film, that is brilliant, and even for a non music lover like myself – can admire and appreciate.

There is an interesting ‘third act’ switch in antagonist, that you might not see coming. It changes the game and turns things on its head, but the third act does drag on a little. It is lifted by the amazing chase scene on foot between Baby and the police which occurs just before the change in antagonist.

Pretty solid action thriller, and worth the watch.


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