Kick Ass 2

Written and Directed by Jeff Wadlow

Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloe Grace Mortez, Christopher Mintz Plasse, Jim Carrey, Morris Chestnut, Clark Duke, Donald Faison, John Leguizamo, Iain Glen, Augustus Prew, Daniel Kaluuya.

Three years after the events of the first film, and Dave and Mindy are in different places with their superhero alter egos. Dave has hung up his ‘cape’ but is bored out of his mind missing the fun. Mindy is still doing the ‘Hit Girl’ routine, but after a heart to heart with her new step dad – she decides to hang up hers – just as she brings him back into the life. Now he is back as ‘Kick Ass’ he discovers Chris (Mintz-Plasse) has returned, and swears vengeance against Kick Ass for killing his father.

Most of the cast are back from the first film, with the exception of those who didn’t make it out of the first film. New recruits include Jim Carrey who plays the underused ‘Capt Stars and Stripes’, who has founded the Justice Forever squad, who team to bring down bad guys. New cast members Chestnut and Prew are replacements for Marcus and Todd, previously played by Omari Hardwick and Evan Peters.

A slight improvement on the first film, with the characters now introduced – we already know them and have connections with them. The screenplay and plot do what it needs to do, with some forced emotion thrown in between Mindy and Marcus. I really enjoyed the extended relationship growth between Dave and his father, which I found lacked a little in the first movie.

It’s not as long as the first film which is another positive, and only has a runtime of 100m, which was more than enough time to establish new characters (like those in both Chris and Dave’s crews) and expand on existing characters.

There is again a fun score that plays through the film.


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