
Dir Joel Schumacher

Written by Andrew Kevin Walker

Nicolas Cage, Joaquin Phoenix, James Gandolfini, Peter Stomare, Anthony Heald, Catherine Keener, Chris Bauer, Myra Carter, Norman Reedus.

Private Investigator Tom Welles (Cage) is hired by the widow of a multi millionaire to view a film she discovered in his safe. On the film depicts the apparent murder of a young woman, and the widow wants to know who she was, and if it was real. Welles then dives into the world of porn, and snuff to find out who the young woman was – and who was responsible.

Dark, and gritty – this is a very adult film with very adult themes. It is very tough to sit through at times due to the bleak and brutal moments that occur throughout. Schumaker does a great job at showing the underground of the porn world, and how depraved the lives of some people could be in the film.

The cast are all brilliant, with some having low screen presence making every moment they are on screen count. Cage as always delivers. This is one of his more mature roles, where most of the time he is more subdued due to the nature of Tom’s work. This is one of the better films I have reviewed of his.

The screenplay is dark to match the tone of the film, and has some memorable quotes such as Phoenix’s ‘dance with the devil’ line. The score matches the tone of the film as well. The final ‘showdown’ between Tom and ‘Machine’ is creepy with the diegetic sound being the only audible sound.

Very well made film, and a recommend – but it is for people who can handle the tone and genre of the film. It also comes from my favourite year of film, 1999.


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