US Marshalls

Dir Stuart Baird

Written by John Pogue

Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes, Robert Downey Jr, Joe Pantoliano, Daniel Roebuck, Tom Wood, LaTanya Richardson-Jackson, Kate Nelligan, Irene Jacob, Patrick Malahide.

Mark Warren (Snipes) is a tow truck driver, who after a car accident is arrested, as he is apparently a wanted felon interstate, who is actually known as Mark Roberts. On his way to prison in a transport flight, in which US Marshal Sam Gerard is also on board, the plane crashes (after an assassination attempt on Roberts). With almost everyone surviving, Roberts escapes during the chaos of getting out, and Sam now employs himself to search for the fugitive.

Sequel to 1993’s The Fugitive brings back Jones as Gerard, and his team. What was so likeable about all of the team in the first film is present again. With more screen time this time around the secondary characters like Renfro (Pantoliano) and Newman (Wood) get a little more to do – and the ‘heart’ of the team is more front and centre.

The screenplay is good, but not as memorable as the first film – with no real ‘memorable’ quotes like the first film had.

The action tries to up the ante with a brilliant plane crash moment at the beginning of the film , but other moments don’t hold up to the predecessor.

The ‘fugitive’ this time around, Snipes’ Mark is likeable enough, and as the movie goes on we root for him to get his name cleared. There is a gotcha revelation near the end of the film that is hard to see coming, and realistically didn’t need to be included.

While nowhere near as impressive as The Fugitive, it is still a very good late 90s action film. The score by one of my favourites, the late great Jerry Goldsmith emulates the score of the previous film.


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